Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Handyman charged with stealing sex photos of Nicolas Cage and ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton... as police continue search for still-missing pictures

Photos of Nicolas Cage and his ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton engaged in sexual activity were allegedly stolen from her home earlier this year and have yet to be recovered.
The intimate pictures were allegedly taken in April by a handyman who broke into Christina's house.
The 39-year-old handyman, Ricardo Orozco, has been accused of stealing four computers and a box of private photos.
Sex photos: Nicolas Cage, shown earlier this month in Austria, is shown in stolen sex photos that belonged to his ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton
Sex photos: Nicolas Cage, shown earlier this month in Austria, is allegedly shown in stolen sex photos that belonged to his ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton
The images show Nicolas in private bedroom moments with Christina, who is the mother of their 22-year-old son Weston, according to an article by TMZ on Tuesday.

Orozco was arrested on Oct. 22nd and charged with felony burglary.
He has pleaded not guilty and remains in custody with bail set at $1 million.
Former couple: Nicolas and Christina Fulton, shown together in November 1990 in West Hollywood, California, have a 22-year-old son Weston
Former couple: Nicolas and Christina Fulton, shown together in November 1990 in West Hollywood, California, have a 22-year-old son Weston
Orozco's next court date is Nov. 21 at a downtown Los Angeles courthouse.
The photographs have not yet been recovered and the police investigation continues.
The 49-year-old National Treasure star and 46-year-old Christina started dating in 1988 and she gave birth to their son Weston in December 1990.
Third wife: Nicolas and his third wife Alice Kim, shown together in September in France, have been married since 2004
Third wife: Nicolas and his third wife Alice Kim, shown together in September in France, have been married since 2004
Weston was the lead singer of the black metal band Eyes Of Noctum that disbanded last year and has since joined metal band Arsh Anubis.
Nicolas has been married three times with his marriages to actress Patricia Arquette and Lisa Marie Presley ending in divorce.

The nephew of Godfather producer Francis Ford Coppola married his third wife Alice Kim, a former waitress, in 2004 and they have an eight-year-old son Kal-El together.
Family man: Nicolas and Alice have a son Kal-El, shown together in July 2012 in Italy
Family man: Nicolas and Alice have a son Kal-El, shown together in July 2012 in Italy


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  2. It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.

    In fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...

    That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.

    It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.

    But what most women don’t know... how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.

    And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...

    ...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.

    Here’s how: ==> The “Go Ahead” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love

    Mr Gix

    P.S. When you tap into a man’s ego this way, you can cause him to literally become obsessed with proving his love for you. So please don’t use this on a man unless you are ready for something serious.

    Thanks again.


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