Sunday, 9 March 2014

Naomi Campbell is moved to tears as she joins the UN Women for Peace's March In March in New York

Naomi Campbell was one of many women who came together on Friday as part of the UN Women for Peace's March In March To End Violence Against Women.
The supermodel threw on a charity bib, and joined Gossip Girl’s Kelly Rutherford and fellow actress Kim Cattrall to support and speak at the event in New York.
But clearly the model was affected by the show of unity and inspiring words, as she was moved to tears outside the United Nations building.
Moving: Naomi Campbell sheds tears as she listens to memotional speeches at the UN Women For Peace March In March
Moving: Naomi Campbell sheds tears as she listens to memotional speeches at the UN Women For Peace March In March

Speech: Naomi said a few words to the crowds outside the United Nations
Speech: Naomi said a few words to the crowds outside the United Nations

Campbell took time out from promoting The Face, to throw her support behind the International Woman’s day cause which officially takes place on Saturday March 8th.
Naomi, 41, had returned to wearing her straight black wig with a fringe rather than the afro she has been sporting for the last few days.
She received praise for her emotional speech, and thanked them for it on Twitter: ‘thank you was an honor to be #unwomenforpeace (sic)’.
Celebrity support: Kelly Rutherford and Naomi Campbell attend the march to end violence against women at The United Nations
Celebrity support: Kelly Rutherford and Naomi Campbell attend the march to end violence against women at The United Nations
Strutting: As a runway star, Campbell doesn't mind a bit of walking for a good cause
Strutting: As a runway star, Campbell doesn't mind a bit of walking for a good cause
Mrs. Ban Soon-Taek, the wife of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Patron of UN Women for Peace, as well as Trudie Styler were also in attendance to lend their voices in Manhattan.
Kim Cattrall tweeted a picture from the event, writing: ‘Women 4 Women and girls. A better world 4 us all.’
Walking tall: Cindy McCain, Trudy Styler, Ban Soon-Taek, Kim Cattrall, Naomi Campbell, Muna Rihani Al Nasser and Nassir Al-Nasser take to the streets of New York
Walking tall: Cindy McCain, Trudy Styler, Ban Soon-Taek, Kim Cattrall, Naomi Campbell, Muna Rihani Al Nasser and Nassir Al-Nasser take to the streets of New York
Sexy in the city: Kim and Naomi made a lot of noise with their cheers on Friday
Sexy in the city: Kim and Naomi made a lot of noise with their cheers on Friday

Women across the world have united to celebrate the achievement of the female sex in the past present and future.
International Women's Day dates back to the beginning of the 20th Century and has been observed by the United Nations since 1975. 
In Manila, more than 10,000 participants from government agencies and student bodies formed the female which is expected to make it into the Guinness World Records.
International Women's Day: Around the world, celebrations have been organised including the formation of a the female symbol in Manila
International Women's Day: Around the world, celebrations have been organised including the formation of a the female symbol in Manila


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