Sunday, 30 March 2014

'I am so pro-American I want more of you to stay alive': CNN's Piers Morgan takes final parting shot at NRA and 'cowardly' politicians before on final show

Piers Morgan, CNN's departing talk show host, could not miss one last opportunity to take a swipe at U.S. gun laws Friday before signing off after three years on air.
Morgan devoted the final minutes of Piers Morgan Live to the issue that he said has been a consistent and often controversial part of the programme.
The British-born presenter cited gun violence statistics and expressed dismay that mass shootings including those in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado, haven't led to stricter gun control laws.
Piers Morgan signs off after three years with CNNMorgan took one last potshot at NRA
One final blow: Piers Morgan riled against America's weak gun control laws in his final show and excoriated the NRA for bullying lawmakers into silence 

Piers' peeps: Morgan shared this photos with his staffers on Twitter before his final show
Piers' peeps: Morgan shared this photos with his staffers on Twitter before his final show

Morgan delivered his impassioned 3-minute address after devoting most of the programme Friday to the coverage of the search for the missing Malaysian plane.
'After three years, two months, 11 days and over 1,000 shows, I am departing to spend more time with my cricket bat,' quipped the 48-year-old English expat.
Morgan spent a few moments thanking his staff and his viewers - 'even those who implacably disagreed with me, or just found my funny accent annoying' - before launching into a tirade against America's gun violence epidemic.
CNN's ousted presenter insisted that guns belong on a battlefield in the hands of professional soldiers 'fighting for democracy and freedom' - not in the hands of civilians.
Morgan cited hair-raising figures of gun violence, which claims on average 35 lives every day, in addition to another 50 who kill themselves with firearms.
‘I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theatre, and then, just a few months later, 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, the absurd gun laws in this country would change,’ he said. ‘But nothing has happened
In his parting shot at the National Gun Association, Morgan accused the powerful gun lobby of bullying U.S. lawmakers into 'cowardly' silence.

Ousted: CNN announced Morgan's departure last month, bringing to a close his show's three-year run marked by lackluster ratings
Ousted: CNN announced Morgan's departure last month, bringing to a close his show's three-year run marked by lackluster ratings

‘My point is simple: more guns doesn’t mean less crime as the NRA repeatedly says,’ Morgan continued. ‘It means more gun violence, death and profits for the gun manufacturers.
‘And to those who claim my gun control campaigning has been “anti-American”, the reverse is true. I am so pro-American that I want more of you to stay alive.’
Quoting Winston Churchill, Morgan said that he has given the issue of gun control 'a tremendous whack,' even as his many detractors called him out for being too loud and rude when debating the subject.
Morgan concluded his final show by urging Americans to stand together and cry 'enough!'
CNN announced last month that it was pulling the plug on Piers Morgan Live after three years due to lakcluster ratings.


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