Saturday 9 November 2013

Katie Holmes clings tightly to Suri as emails surface accusing her team of trying to smear Tom Cruise in the wake of their shocking split

There was always a sense that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes endured a bitter split.
Now, emails written by Tom's team have surfaced that accuse Katie's camp of trying to discredit the 51-year-old movie hero by leaking information to the press, staging photo opportunities and engaging in a all out smear campaign.
Katie, 34, seemed intent on focusing all her energies into filming The Giver in Cape Town on Friday as the allegations surfaced.
Precious moment: Katie kissed her daughter Suri's head during a break in set in Cape Town on Thursday
Precious moment: Katie kissed her daughter Suri's head during a break in set in Cape Town on Thursday as emails surfaced that detail her messy split from Tom Cruise

She was also keeping seven-year-old Suri close by.
Emails between August and September of 2012 - following Holmes' filing for divorce
on June 29 - have been published by Radar Online after being discovered as a result of the lawsuit Tom filed against Bauer Media for their cover story claiming he'd 'abandoned' Suri.
In one of the missives, Tom's people brand an August story about Cruise taking Suri to Disneyland that was bannered with the headline: 'Forgetting Mommy Already?' as 'true scum form.']
His loyal team discuss in the emails how they believe Katie's design partner, Jeanne Yang of Holmes and Yang, to be behind the leaks.
VIP: Little Suri gets prime position on set as her mother films in the picturesque location
VIP: Little Suri gets prime position on set as her mother films in the picturesque location

Funtimes: Suri loved kicking back with a member of the team while her mother worked
Funtimes: Suri loved kicking back with a member of the team while her mother worked

According to Radar, Cruise's publicist, Amanda Lundberg, accused Jeanne Yang of 'lying and speaking and keeping these stories going each week, in an email to his team including Tom's sister Lee Ann De Vette.
'A very good friend/editor slipped and said her name to me on Monday,' Lundberg said of Yang.
'Two good sources told me it is all her… She likely told the press that they stayed at Cinderella’s castle as no one really knew… Every single person tells me she is speaking to the press constantly.'
They also allege that Katie's publicist tipped photographers off about Katie's movements.
'[Katie's publicist] calls the paparazzi every time K gets ready to leave the building as the doormen are always surprised how they suddenly show up when she is about to leave,' Lundberg alleged.
Snuggle time: Suri looked cosy as she took in the action
Snuggle time: Suri looked cosy as she took in the action

Mama's here: Suri clung on to Katie between takes
Mama's here: Suri clung on to Katie between takes

There was also mention of how Cruise’s team dealt with 'outrageous' and 'defamatory' accusations put to them by Bauer that Suri was scared of her first day at school as her father told her she would have to follow strict rules.
The finger of blame alighted on Yang again, with one email containing: 'JY [Jeanne Yang] again. At this point she and they are involved in a conspiracy.'
'They know she’s making this bs [bullsh*t] up.'
The emails reach fever pitch after Bauer sought comment from the team about their star missing Suri's first day at school leaving Katie distraught.
Awkward time: Katie must be glad to be out of her home country at the minute
Awkward time: Katie must be glad to be out of her home country at the minute

'I think this is getting more disgusting if that is even possible. And this should be curbed whenever possible — their daughter doesn’t deserve these incessant lies'” a Lundberg wrote to Holmes’ spokesperson, Nanci Ryder.
'Can you guys comment and deny this as we all know this is not true. I think that would help stop this which of course is in Suri’s best interest as well.
'He would never make a promise he wouldn’t keep and he knew where he would be,' Lundberg explained.
'Plus even if a promise was made — the only person who would know that are T, S and K [Tom, Suri and Katie] so we know this didn’t come from them right?'
Fairytale: Tom and Katie wed in Rome back on November 18, 2006
Fairytale: Tom and Katie wed in Rome back on November 18, 2006

Also revealed in the deposition is the admission that Katie did leave Tom in part so she could break away from Scientology.
'Ms. Holmes has never indicated in any way that was one of the reasons she left you? …To protect Suri from Scientology?' lawyers asked Cruise.
Tom finally admitted: 'Did she say that? That was one of the assertions, yes.'
It's also being reported that Tom's lawyers sent a letter to Vanity Fair last year after they re-used Suri baby pictures.
'It has come to our attention that Vanity Fair is exploiting the Suri Photos on its Internet website in numerous ways, all of them exceeding the scope of the magazine’s limited license and in violation of the Agreement,' the lawyers warned.
Interestingly enough, it was not long after the magazine's expose of Scientology and Tom's alleged girlfriend auditions.

Tom Cruise's deposition: the edited highlights

On Katie Holmes leaving him over Scientology: 'That was one of the assertions, yes.'
On his relationship with Suri: 'Things change. And certainly what doesn’t change is the love that I have for my daughter, the fact that I didn’t abandon her emotionally, physically or otherwise.'

On talking to Suri on the phone: 'You have to work at it. I’ve gotten very good at it. I’ve gotten very good at it. I tell wonderful stories and they like hearing it.'
On missing his daughter's first day at school: 'Kate and I both knew that I wouldn’t be able to be there…with Suri, if she had asked me to be there I would have been there…Well it’s also something where – I think the press and everyone – there are many different circumstances with that. One is the circus of Suri’s first day of school that the press wanted ..look, we do the best we can to try to think about things and mitigate that stuff as best we can.'
After his lawyers likened his time on movie sets to serving in Afghanistan: 'I didn’t hear the Afghanistan, but that’s what it feels like, and certainly on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal.'

On flying privately : 'Generally its easier, yes … it does save – it does save time. Sometimes the flight itself is longer if you have, you know…but yeah, it’s better. It’s much more comfortable.'
On Scientology: 'It shows a lack of respect and understanding for my religion. That is understandable in a minority religion. People don’t know and understand, and of course the way things are reported and taken out of context, can create this kind of sense of what something is as opposed to people going and finding out and knowing for themselves…so when you’re talking about a seven-year-old, you know know, its not the same thing as – Catholicism or Judaism. Its just it’s different.'
On preparing for a movie: 'Sometimes I’ve spent months, a year, sometimes two years preparing for a single film….I have to watch what I eat for inflammation and different things you have to do physically to prepare for a film…I train, you know. I’ve studied professional athletes..a sprinter for the Olympics they only have to run two races a day. When I’m shooting I could potentially have to run 30, 40 races a day, day after day.'

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