Thursday, 8 August 2013
Shut Up Kim Kardashian & Kate Middleton Breastfeeding Haters
Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton — here you are being terrific role models for doing what’s best for your babies, and yet critics can’t stop their mean tweeting. Enough already!
Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton — you’re both doing what comes naturally and feeding your babies in the healthiest way possible.
Kim Kardashian & Kate Middleton — Igonore The Haters!
You’re setting terrific examples for mothers across America and Great Britain and yet, you’d think you’d been crowned were worst moms of the year.
I can’t believe the negative backlash I’ve seen in the twitterverse against breastfeeding — something that every woman and informed man should be applauding, no matter how jaded they are.
Nevertheless, the grumps like @Xdearcara take time to complain on Twitter: “America’s top concern is if Kate Middleton is breastfeeding or not. Like REALLY America? Get your sh-t together.”
Listen, I can imagine lots of women swearing over breastfeeding but that would be mostly be sleep deprived moms pinching themselves to stay awake during another 3 AM breastfeeding stint.
@Scorpio1080 is even more nastily emphatic, writing, “#Newsflash I don’t care that Kim Kardashian is breastfeeding, her hooters can fall off for all I care.”
Even mother-of-one Bette Midler got into the anti – breastfeeding frenzy, first tweeting, “Kate Middleton says that breastfeeding little Prince George is more comfortable if she takes the silver spoon out of his mouth.”
Then, “yes, Kate Middleton is breastfeeding. And in other news, Prince George is burping.”
And finally: “Apparently Prince William is a little jealous. He recently ordered a double cappuccino with 2% breast milk.”
Breastfeeding Is Much Healthier Than Bottle-feeding
Listen Bette and other breastfeeding bashers, I get that you don’t think that Kim and Kate’s nutritional choice is major news and should barely be mentioned, let alone with big headlines — but sorry, you’re wrong.
That’s because there was a time not so long ago that mothers in both the U.S. and Great Britain routinely chose to forego nature’s perfect and free — yes, free — food for babies, instead opting for commercial formula.
Millions of women had become convinced that breastfeeding was gross and unseemly and that bottle feeding was more convenient and ladylike.
But that was a huge misconception proved by multiple studies that demonstrated that breast milk was far superior to formula, nutritionally for babies and could have lasting benefits, possibly even on a baby’s IQ.
“As a group, breastfed infants have less difficulty with digestion than do formula-fed infants. Breast milk tends to be more easily digested so that breastfed babies have fewer incidences of diarrhea or constipation,” reports
Babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first six months, says the American Academy of Pediatrics, which also recommends continuing breastfeeding until the child reaches 12 months. That’s because breastfeeding also helps defend against infections, prevents allergies and protects against a number of chronic conditions.
Breast milk is often called the “perfect food” for infants.
Dissers — Kim & Kate Are Great Role Models For Breastfeeding
That’s why well-informed moms like Kate and Kim have chosen to feed their babies in the healthiest way possible. Plus, I’m sure they’re loving the bonding time they get while holding and feeding their precious newborns.
And take it dissers — from a mom of four who breastfed every time, babies love the warmth and comfort of being next to their moms while breastfeeding. Hey, everyone likes to be held and cuddled — even twitter twerps.
“Oh Lord now we have to know about Kim Kardashian’s breastfeeding? She’s going to auction her nursing bra next,” Manjula Narayan (@Utterflea) tweeted.
“I make no apologies fro being blunt, but who the f–k cares about Kate Middleton breastfeeding … not me,” piles on ExoticCanadian.
Well, even haters should care because Kim and Kate will influence millions of other new moms who might have been on the fence about breast versus bottle-feeding and who will now forget the formula and do what the world’s most famous first moms are doing.
More healthy, well-fed babies are good for everyone — even mean tweeters. They grow up to be happier, healthier adults and even the twitterverse needs more of those.
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