Friday 10 January 2014

Miss Venezuela and husband shot dead in front of daughter laid to rest side by side amid emotional and chaotic scenes as hundreds turn up to mourn their brutal murders

Beauty queen Monica Spear and her British husband were buried amid chaotic scenes at the main cemetery in Caracas today.
Such was the demand among the fans of the former Miss Venezuela to see her for one last time that the funeral at Caracas's eastern cemetery was delayed by two hours.
Family members threw white roses to the large crowd gathered outside the steel and glass room where as many as 2,000 people had filed past the coffins during the viewing period.
Popular: Hundreds of people turned out for the funeral of the couple. Their savage murders have caused shockwaves through Venezuela and have sparked a fresh wave of protest over the rate of murder there
Popular: Hundreds of people turned out for the funeral of the couple. Their savage murders have caused shockwaves through Venezuela and have sparked a fresh wave of protest over the rate of murder there

Horror: Mr Berry and Ms Spear were gunned down on a Venezuelan motorway in front of their daughter, Maya, 5, who was also shot. She still has a bullet lodged in her leg despite being discharged from hospital
Horror: Mr Berry and Ms Spear were gunned down on a Venezuelan motorway in front of their daughter, Maya, 5, who was also shot. She still has a bullet lodged in her leg despite being discharged from hospital
Horror: Mr Berry and Ms Spear were gunned down on a Venezuelan motorway in front of their daughter, Maya, 5, who was also shot. She still has a bullet lodged in her leg despite being discharged from hospital

Support: Mr Berry's parents, Tom and Carol, are helped on their walk tot he graveside by a friend in the middle
Support: Mr Berry's parents, Tom and Carol, are helped on their walk tot he graveside by a friend in the middle

Long walk: Monica Spear's family accompany the coffins in Caracas today. The couple were buried side by side
Long walk: Monica Spear's family accompany the coffins in Caracas today. The couple were buried side by side
Spear, 29, and her husband Thomas,39, were buried together in the same plot in accordance with the wishes of both sets of families.
Although they were not living together they remained very close and family members said they were on the verge of rekindling their romance when they were shot dead by robbers.
Their five-year-old daughter Maya survived the attack but did not attend the funeral.
Her uncle revealed that the youngster still has a bullet lodged in her right leg following the ambush by a gang of robbers who shot her parents dead.
Doctors have decided against removing the bullet.
They have told family members the bullet has not damaged any bone or muscle and do not see the point in operating as it is not causing her any discomfort.
'There is no need to rush and Maya is not in any pain right now,' said her uncle Rafael.
'We have been told to let her rest and a decision to operate and remove the bullet can be taken later.'
Relatives of Monica Spear comfort each other as they attend the funeral of the actress and Thomas Berry
Relatives of Monica Spear comfort each other as they attend the funeral of the actress and Thomas Berry

Public grief: The funeral was delayed for two hours because so many fans and members of the public wanted to file past the open coffins
Public grief: The funeral was delayed for two hours because so many fans and members of the public wanted to file past the open coffins

Tribute: Family members threw roses into the crowds in recognition of their support
Tribute: Family members threw roses into the crowds in recognition of their support

Tragic: Monica's brothers Ricardo, 22, and Rafael, 35, were among those who carried the coffin while friends of Berry from his travel agency business carried his to the waiting vehicle
Tragic: Monica's brothers Ricardo, 22, and Rafael, 35, were among those who carried the coffin while friends of Berry from his travel agency business carried his to the waiting vehicle

Together in death: Family members decided to bury them side-by-side even though they were separated in marriage. They believe the couple were about to be reconciled and that was the reason for their holiday together
Together in death: Family members decided to bury them side-by-side even though they were separated in marriage. They believe the couple were about to be reconciled and that was the reason for their holiday together

Shock: This time last week the couple were enjoying an adventure holiday in the north west of the country
Shock: This time last week the couple were enjoying an adventure holiday in the north west of the country

The tragic five-year-old had been expected to attend the funeral of her parents - but family members decided the occasion with hundreds of mourners might prove too traumatic.
'Maya is staying with her cousins and resting. She is being kept occupied but knows what is going on,' said her grandfather Rafael Spear.
'We have tried to shield her from what has happened as much as possible. She knows she has been injured and that her mom and dad have gone but we have not gone into too much detail. That can wait for another day'.
Mr Spear, from Orlando, Florida, repeated his vow not to leave Caracas without Maya and says he wants to bring her back to the US.
Maya as dual Venezuelan and British nationality but no legal status in the US even though her mother was a us citizen.
Mr Spear said he had made preliminary contact with the US Embassy about bringing Maya back to Florida.
He has to be awarded guardianship of Maya before he can apply to US officials to bring her into the country.
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
Police in Venezuela released the mugshots today as they revealed they were hunting four more men including one thought to be on the run with the gun used to shoot the tragic pair dead in front of their daughter
These are the five adults arrested over the motorway murders of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her British-born ex-husband Thomas Berry
Police chief Jose Gregorio Sierralta said the discovery of Miss Spear's camera at the house of the sole female detainee was vital in helping them identify the gang alleged to have shot dead the former beauty queen and her ex-husband during a botched attempt to steal their car
Police chief Jose Gregorio Sierralta said the discovery of Miss Spear's camera, right, at the house of the sole female detainee, left, was vital in helping them identify the gang alleged to have shot dead the former beauty queen and her ex-husband during a botched attempt to steal their car

The family of British expat Thomas Berry said they will not stand in the way of their granddaughter leaving for a new life in the US.
Mr Berry said: 'We only want what is best for Maya and that will be a life in America'.
Mr Berry, a retired teacher, said his son had loved living in Venezuela despite the persistent threat of violence.
'This was his home, his family were here and he was happy.'
Two blue tents erected over the burial plot shielded the ceremony from the public who had gathered in their hundreds on the grassy embankments overlooking the cemetery.
Many had queued for hours to secure a prime place to watch the two coffins arrive and burst into spontaneous applause when they were removed from the hearses.
Monica's oak coffin was the first to be carried by six pallbearers from the visiting room to a waiting hearse.
Orphan: Maya is being cared for by relatives and both sides of the family have agreed it is best if she lives in the US because of the rate of violence in Venezuela
Orphan: Maya is being cared for by relatives and both sides of the family have agreed it is best if she lives in the US because of the rate of violence in Venezuela

Her brothers Ricardo, 22, and Rafael, 35, were among those who carried the coffin while friends of Berry from his travel agency business carried his to the waiting vehicle.
After the coffins were loaded into the hearses Monica's father Rafael walked ahead with other family members.
At the entrance to the graveyard he was serenaded by a lone guitar player.
Mr Spear, 61, from Orlando, Florida, was visibly moved as he listened the the lament before continuing down a concrete slope into the graveyard.
Other family members, including aunt and cousins, walked hand in hand the 100 yards to the burial plot.
Thomas's parents Tom and Carol followed their son's coffin clutching each others hands.  A friend stepped in between them to offer his support and all three walked together.
They looked overwhelmed by the huge interest in the funeral from the hundreds of people scrambling for a view of the service.
Many of them were fans of Monica who had followed her career since winning the Miss Venezuela contest in 2004.
She was popular in her native country having appeared in a well known soap opera.
'I am here to pay my respects to a beautiful woman who loved her country,' said 23 year old Gabriel Maracaico.

Horrific: Robbers shot through the car windscreen when the terrified family locked themselves in
Horrific: Robbers shot through the car windscreen when the terrified family locked themselves in
'It is a tragedy that someone so young has been taken from us. I also want to be here to send a message to the Government that the people want all the killing to stop.'
Only immediate family attended the burial with security guards keeping the public away.
Prior to the service Monica's father said he hoped her death would act as a catalyst for change in the country that has one of the highest murder rates in the world.
As many as 50 a day are killed in the country.
He told MailOnline: "'My heart is hurting but I find strength in Mónica to plead for a change.
'Things have to change. We have to find the capos, the bosses, that are providing the guns to the people. We have to stop killing each other. I hope her death serves to eliminate this senseless violence.'
Spear, an engineer from Orlando, Florida, said he would not be leading any campaign to bring about change.
Happy: Despite separating Thomas Berry and Monica Spear holidayed together for their daughter's sake
Happy: Despite separating Thomas Berry and Monica Spear holidayed together for their daughter's sake
'It is for the people to do that. It is not just the Government that has to bring about change, but the people must want it as well.'
Meanwhile, police today released mugshots of the five adults arrested over the motorway murders.
Travel firm boss Mr Berry and his estranged wife, who became a successful actress after being crowned Miss Venezuela in 2004, were shot dead on Monday night after puncturing on a motorway.
They were attacked as their Toyota Corolla was being loaded onto a tow truck they had stopped.
They were murdered after locking themselves in their car to stop their killers stealing their vehicle.
Their daughter Maya, who was shot in the leg,
Police in Venezuela also revealed they were hunting four more men including one thought to be on the run with the gun used to shoot the tragic pair dead in front of their five-year-old daughter.
Two minors aged 17 and 15 - whose names and photos have not been released - are also in custody.
Detectives named the alleged 'material author' of the double shooting as a 19-year-old called Jean Carlos Colina Alcala.
Call for change: Monica's father, who is Venezuelan but lives in Orlando, Florida, hopes that their tragic deaths may help end the cycle of violence in the South American country
Call for change: Monica's father, who is Venezuelan but lives in Orlando, Florida, hopes that their tragic deaths may help end the cycle of violence in the South American country

Life is cheap in Venezuela: The murder rate has tripled in the last decade to 24,000 a year sparking protests over how extreme violence has become a way of life
Life is cheap in Venezuela: The murder rate has tripled in the last decade to 24,000 a year sparking protests over how extreme violence has become a way of life

The suspects also include a 26-year-old fugitive army deserter and career criminal nicknamed El Adolfito - 'Little Adolfo' in Spanish - who was first arrested for stealing a motorbike aged just 14.
Police chief Jose Gregorio Sierralta said the discovery of Miss Spear's camera at the house of the sole female detainee was vital in helping them identify the gang alleged to have shot dead the former beauty queen and her ex-husband during a botched attempt to steal their car.
He also identified the gang as the 'Bloodthirsty Ones of El Cambur' the area 200 miles west of the capital Caracas where Monday's night horror shootings occurred.
The murders had been blamed by local papers on a gang called the 'Quick Ones.'
Police also released mugshots of the men they are hunting - including a 21-year-old named as Nelfren Antonio Jimenez who is believed to have the murder weapon.
The others were named as Franklin Alvarez, nicknamed 'The Stain'; Gerardo Contreras, nicknamed 'The Cat'; and a man police have yet to identify fully who is nicknamed 'The Junior One.'
Mr Sierralta said: 'Jean Carlos Colina Alcala is allegedly the material author of the homicides of Miss Spear and her partner and the others under arrest collaborated directly with the commission of the crime.
'The motive of robbery has been confirmed with the discovery of a digital camera belonging to Miss Spear during a search of Eva Josefina Armas Mejias' home.
'The intention was to sell the camera to another of the suspects.
'Investigators have managed the rapid identification of the authors of this crime and have been able to apprehend and desarticulate a dangerous gang dubbed the 'Bloodthirsty Ones of El Cambur.'

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